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Max Supply: 0
Circulation: 10,930,944.06
Market Cap: $384,991
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Vanillacash Main Chain
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Vanillacash XVC
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Market Cap: $116K $0.000507
Market Cap: $40.0K $0.673
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About Vanillacash
Vanillacash (XVC) was introduced as a highly innovative cryptocurrency, designed to combine speed, ease-of-use, and a variety of other advanced features that placed XVC well ahead of their peers. Vanillacash is a transparent, open-source network, in operation since 2015 and created by an elusive and highly talented developer working under the pseudonym “John Connor.” Vanillacash utilizes hybrid Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) methodology for block generation. In addition, XVC utilized an early proof-of-concept implementation of masternodes (this feature is no longer operational as the blockchain matured). The maximum supply of XVC is theoretically unlimited. However, the overall network difficulty and scarcity of new coin supply limit new coin supply (e.g., inflation) to just under 19,000 per year. Starting in August 2022, the Vanillacash development team implemented a major code upgrade, resulting in a much more modern and versatile platform that will serve the XVC community for years to come. The new code, found here is based on DiminutiveCoin’s Highly Modified Quark (HMQ) 1725 algorithm and is fully compatible with atomic swaps. Recent community discussions led us to pursue multi-platform tokenization (MPT) strategy. This strategy ensures long-term viability of XVC by introducing its value to various Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platforms (e.g., BEP-20, QRC-20, etc.) while preserving the importance of the original UTXO blockchain (which will remain the sole coin generating mechanism) – all in a non-inflationary fashion.
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