Charts Powered by TradingView

TradingView charts are used and trusted by over 40 000 companies and 60 000 000 traders around the world - XeggeX is one of them.
What is Trading VIew

TradingView is a charting platform and social network used by 60M+ traders and investors worldwide to spot opportunities across global markets.

Why Are We Using TradingView

Trading View is one of the leading charting and trading platforms in the world. TradingVIew platform comes with hundreds of built-in indicators and strategies, intelligent drawing tools and tools for in-depth market analysis covering the most popular trading concepts.

Interactive, responsive and mobile-optimized

TradingView charts are carefully engineered for top interactivity - both for powerful mouse-using desktops, and touchscreen tablets or phones.

The highest of high-performance

TradingView charts are designed to work with vast data arrays. Charts stay responsive and nimble, even with thousands of bars and multiple-updates-per-second with new ticks.

Multiple languages supported

TradingVIew libraries are available in 30+ different languages, fully-localized and ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

Always updating

TradingVIew is constantly adding new features alongside updates to their flagship products, so you'll always be getting the best from the world of charting.

Visit TradingView

Visit TradingView website for more informaion.