24h Change +0.67%
24h High $0.000771
24h Low $0.000760
24h Volume $18
Max Supply: 0
Circulation: 29,692,517.766
Market Cap: $22,629
Listing Date:
NodeStats Main Chain
Asset Type:
Primary Markets (2 active)
Total Market Volume: ~$18
Liquidity Pools (3 Active)
Total Pool Liquidity: ~$123
Market | Volume | |
$18.41 |
$0 |
Block #1949053 @ 3.39 min ago
Balance: 0.88074873
Updated: 3.07 min ago
Block #1949053 @ 3.39 min ago
Balance: 1992865.35534647
Updated: 3.07 min ago
Block # N/A
Balance: 0
Updated: 824335.39 min ago
Customer Net Balances
XeggeX Net Balances
Highlighted Assets
Market Cap: $93.3K $0.0000444
Market Cap: $210K $24.75
Market Cap: $244K $0.261
Top Volumes
About NodeStats
As we know there are many masternode coin listings out there. The meaning of NodeStats is, to get the information you need to be presented right away. No more browsing around to find the right information and no more using the calculator. Then there will be a blockchain voting system, where we use the NS coin for voting on different things on the website. It could be a coin listing or a new feature. This is to give the users the option for influence on what they need on the website. So it will not always be up to the coin developers to list on the service, but now the users can too. The new votings will be posted here when we are ready https://nodestats.info/voting.php so keep an eye on the website. To request a coin or a feature, the user needs to join the discord server and post their suggestions in the request channels. Then we will look at them, and make votings from them. I hope this new website will bring you a lot of useful information for your investing, and that you will use the system for future listings and features.
Stable Connection