LanaCoin (LANA)

24h Change -0.07%

24h High $0.00151

24h Low $0.00102

24h Volume $346

Max Supply: 0

Circulation: 3,512,908,568.602

Market Cap: $5,261,249


Listing Date:
2023-01-02, 03:02:25

LanaCoin Main Chain

Asset Type:

Primary Markets (2 active)

Total Market Volume: ~$346

Liquidity Pools (1 Active)

Total Pool Liquidity: ~$478

Market Volume

Hot Wallets

Block #946763 @ 7.04 min ago

Balance: 0.00000000

Updated: 5.36 min ago

Block #946764 @ 5.71 min ago

Balance: 10129719.42504632

Updated: 5.35 min ago

Highlighted Assets

Market Cap: $26.9K $0.000000685

Top Volumes


Volume: $85393 $0.00033592

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Volume: $19236 $0.0000003

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Volume: $10779 $0.00000002

Biggest Gains


+240.00% $0.00000323


+192.86% $0.00000021


+153.85% $0.000132

About LanaCoin

LanaCoin is one of the first personalized crypto currencies, created as a birthday present with a unique attribute of its genesis block launch at the exact unix time of Lanas 10th birthday.Blockchain parameters are fully packed with attributes surrounding the birthday time and date.The project started at first as simply unique birthday present with no false promises or roadmap deadlines on development. The only promise that was made was that the development of services around the Lanacoin blockchain will be done in the near future and rolled out in steps.Lanacoin is a hybrid proof of work/ proof of stake open blockchain using sha256 hashing algorithm.Proof of work miners are rewarded with newly created LANAs for securing the blockchain while Lana community is rewarded for staking their LANAs and competing for stake blocks. Finders/stakers of proof of stake blocks are rewarded with a fixed Lana amount of 1000 LANAs plus a 7% annual stake reward.Proof of stake reward will be cut in half (halved) at block height 525600, while the last proof of work block is set at block height 750000. At the time of writing lanacoin blockchain is at block height 253755.Total supply of LANAs in existence is capped at 7.506 B LANA making it in theory possible for one day every living soul on the planet to own at least 1 LANA. The number max supply of LANAs was put in place in accordance to Lanas birthday date 7.5.2016.