Elite Coin (1337)

24h Change -100.00%

24h High $0.0000000000

24h Low $0.0000000000

24h Volume $0

Max Supply: 0

Circulation: 30,497,582,864.246

Market Cap: $299,801


Listing Date:
2023-10-29, 04:08:16

Elite Coin Main Chain

Asset Type:

Primary Markets (2 active)

Total Market Volume: ~$0

Liquidity Pools (0 Active)

Total Pool Liquidity: ~$0

Hot Wallets

Block #5083483 @ 1.84 min ago

Balance: 49513.00000000

Updated: 0.54 min ago

Block #5083483 @ 1.84 min ago

Balance: 75148096.85814987

Updated: 0.54 min ago

Highlighted Assets

Market Cap: $219K $0.00862

Market Cap: $231K $0.00000200

Market Cap: $1.50M $0.0000524

Top Volumes


Volume: $94099 $0.00036556

Phantom GhostDOG

Volume: $77826 $0.00000076


Volume: $62047 $0.00439

Biggest Gains


+91.47% $0.00000523

Avian Network

+69.79% $0.00001426


+66.67% $0.000002

About Elite Coin

Elite coin is the gaming currency that brings the gaming world and cryptoworld together. We plan to achieve this by integrating Elite into games and allowing users to use Elite as an in-game currency. The idea is to make the process of earning and spending fun for everyone.

Almost every game has an in-game currency to track progress of the game and enable gamers to interact with each other and the game mechanics. Elite coin not only aims to fulfill this role, but to actually go beyond of that what is possible today: earn in-game currency in one game and spend it in another, and that within minutes. There is no need to let results of hours of game-play stay untapped when simply wanting to play another game for a little while. Get control of your in-game resources and use them across the spectrum of games, where and when you want it!

A first impression of how the Elite coin can be integrated into a game is already there: come join us and play this simple but interesting game, not only you will have fun, but you will be able to earn your first Elite coins, just by playing and, before you know it, you will be one of the members of the dedicated Elite community helping others to enjoy the game, suggest changes and accompany newcomers as they make their first steps into the Elite world.