JayonVerse (JYN) has been listed on XeggeX exchange in the following markets:


About JayonVerse (JYN)
JayonVerse is an innovative platform that offers players a virtual metaverse experience. This unique world provides a space where players can leave the real world behind, interact, explore, and unleash their creativity using their imagination. The distinctive regions within JayonVerse, along with captivating visuals and social interactions, enable players to have diverse experiences. Players can acquire items that offer customization options using Jayon Coin, collect NFTs, and engage in economic interactions. By pushing the boundaries of technology and entertainment, JayonVerse offers a dynamic and engaging virtual world, promising players an exciting journey.

Find out more information at their website here: https://jayon.org/

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: XeggeX Asset Info for JYN
Posted by: Karl @ 1693397676423