Nozzl (NOZ) has been listed on XeggeX exchange in the following markets:


About Nozzl (NOZ)
Nozzl is an innovative player in the world of GameFi, capturing attention as a project that successfully combines the gaming and financial worlds with the aim of providing a unique experience for gamers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. By offering exclusive NFT collections and its own cryptocurrency, Nozzl enables users to contribute to the in-game economy and become a part of this digital universe. The project's primary objective is to provide a platform where players can immerse themselves in the game while playing with their own NFTs, allowing gamers to customize their games and have unique experiences. Nozzl aims to build a strong community and encourages effective collaboration within the community to have an impact on the project. Additionally, it places importance on the stages of game development and ensures users have a high-quality gaming experience. Nozzl offers players the opportunity to customize and enhance their games using their NFT collections and cryptocurrencies. This allows gamers to create their own digital assets while enjoying a fun and competitive gaming world. Nozzl is a dedicated project shaping the future of digital economies and making a significant contribution to the GameFi world.

Find out more information at their website here:

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: XeggeX Asset Info for NOZ
Posted by: Karl @ 1698904517206