Nikito (NIKI) has been listed on XeggeX exchange in the following markets:


About Nikito (NIKI)
WITHOUT A BLOCKCHAIN, $NIKI CANNOT EXIST Our Vision For Nikito Is To Craft A Graceful And Potent Experience For Positive, Connected, And Maybe Even Enchanting Interactions Between The Physical And Metaverse Realms, A World Where Both Realms Are Explored And Expanded To Their Fullest, Coexisting Harmoniously As Significant Complements. The Power Of $NIKI Pushes This Notion To Its Utmost Edge, Encompassing Vast Scope, Scale, Diversity, And Opulence. It Embodies The Infinite Realms We Are Poised To Forge, Brimming With Limitless Imagination, Richness, And Variety.

Find out more information at their website here:

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: XeggeX Asset Info for NIKI
Posted by: Karl @ 1699372561756