DROGGY (DROGGY) has been listed on XeggeX exchange in the following markets:


Hello friends! I'm Droggy. I'm an abandoned child just because I'm a dragon-frog hybrid. But I never feel sad about those things. Because I came into this world to write a wonderful story about life! Great things will be written further on my journey…Trust me. I’m happy Droggy and: “DROGGY LOVE ALL”Best regards DRAGON + FROG = DROGGY WELCOME 2024 DROGGY WILL MAKE LEGENDARY! | The first Meme Story #ART

Find out more information at their website here: https://www.droggy.fun/

Links to other details can be found on our asset information page here: XeggeX Asset Info for DROGGY
Posted by: Karl @ 1702209643648